Monday, April 20, 2009

Current Issue Punya Isu

  1. Southern Johore Region (SJER)
  2. Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER) projects
  3. East Coast Economic Region (ECER)
  4. Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE)
  5. Sabah Development Corridor (SDC)
  6. impact of the price increases on food
  7. the hike of the world's oil price/fuel subsidy scheme
  8. the pension age has been considered until the age of 58
  9. the factor why voters of the 5 state from S,P,K,P,K rejected BN
  10. Citrawarna n Citrarasa
  11. Seat Belts
  12. electricity tariff of july 2008
  13. pulau batu putih
  14. problems with PLKN
  15. recent cases of food poisoning
  16. deficiency cases of food oil supply
  17. transparent ballot box
  18. malaysia judiciary
  19. development of inland watering system in sarawak
  20. flash flood
  21. poverty in malaysia n strategies to achieve
  22. impact of ncreasing of public servant salary
  23. budget 2008
  24. second penang bridge
  25. political web blog
  27. Angkasawan programme
  28. langkawi international maritime & aerospace 2007
  29. steps tp overcome the influx of foreign labor
  30. voluntary seperation scheme for civil servant
  31. riot in terengganu
  32. bribery n corruption among public servants
  33. APEX university
  34. Langkawi International Dialogues (LID) 2007
  35. 58th UMNO general Assembly
  36. global warming
  37. new accommodation for tsunami victims
  38. Ops Sikap xiii
  39. OPS bersih
  40. SMART Tunnel

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