first of all, happy holls to all DPA3D members of the floor.hope u guys have a wonderful CNY breaks, i noe i had..sorry for cutting the edge kinda early but i just wanna remind all of u that there r some information that i need to pass on to u it is-
+on 18th Feb 2009 we gonna have a PAD230 Public Admin test, which gonna be held in dwan mini(still no exact confirmation), at night+
+this following weeks, we gonna have ECO quiz which im not sure the exact day either+
+CATALIA CREATIVE Company gonna held a photoshoot session in Uitm Kedah starting 1st Feb till 13th feb which gonna start tommorow..i really hope that thi semester we can snap a pic for our class bcuz we miss that last sem, so i hope all of u guys will attend the photoshoot, im gonna arrange that, dun worry bout it.+
+last but not least, to all of u, JANGAN PONTENG CLASS ARI AHAD NI..yg konpem akan ponteng AZAM BIN ZAKARI..KONPEM!!!! aku kenai sgt mamat ni, dia akan ponteng pny+
ok thats all from me today, keep on blogging okay..yeah maybe the actually purpose for us to create this blog is only for academical purpose, but i suppose this is our blog rite so we can rite anything we keep on writing..btw, dun fight among us other okay,please..keep the spirits alive.we are DPA3d, the coolest part 3 class among all, eventhough we r the outcast.lets show'em thats we are the best class in this semester..okay?
p/s vote untk poll sebelah ni bout sport day kita..
Saturday, January 31, 2009
AttenTion Class!!
Posted by DPA Dec 2007-Dec2010 at 12:07 AM 1 Kata2 Pujangga
Labels: aCe+ aka Adam The Class Rep
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
ada muslimah di dalam dirinya....
P/S: DOA ORG YG T'ANIAYA PASTI AKN DIMAKBULKN....BRG SIAPA YG MKN CILI,PEDASNYA PASTI DIRASAI....BUT 4 THOSE YG MKN GULA,RASALA MANISNYA.....don't take it too hard..we juz want 2 voice out our dissatisfaction..
jadikn nasihat ini sbg pnduan..don't point ur finger 2 others..!!!
Posted by DPA Dec 2007-Dec2010 at 8:34 AM 0 Kata2 Pujangga
si biru..
2 all my fwenz....i hope korg akn hormt ati & prasaan org...sgala2ny mlik Allah...jgn sesekali mghina ciptaan Yang Maha Esa...x semua antra kta sempurna..msg2 ad klbhn n kkrngn...kta prlu 2tup kkrngn dlm dri dgn klbhn yg ad bknnya dgn hnya nmpk kkrngn org len,jgn la skitkn ati kwn2 kta n jgn la ska bt org sdih...kpd yg ingin mengata, hope crmin dri sndiri dlu...kpd yg trasa,si biru mohon ampun n maaf smntara stll dbri pluang tuk brnfs...renung2kn la...
Posted by DPA Dec 2007-Dec2010 at 4:30 AM 0 Kata2 Pujangga
si biru..
thnx gk laki dlm kls aku yg bek n suD ajr..thnx9...
Posted by DPA Dec 2007-Dec2010 at 4:26 AM 0 Kata2 Pujangga
Monday, January 19, 2009
mari la bayar duit SPORT DAY kawan-kawan..
wahai kawan-kawan yang dicintai,
hari ini hari isnin tggl lagi 3 hari,
mari bayar janganlah tak sudi,
rm30 harga diberi.
dari pagi sampai ke petang,
dia tidak jemu-jemu meminta,
mari kawan marilah datang,
bayar kepada CIK SAFENA yg dicinta!!
pe lagi weyh..bayar2!! kang tak sport day pulak kita..
p/s: amacam pantun aku??ok tak..cun kan!! hahahaha..
meh ar balas kalau berani!! ngee..
Posted by DPA Dec 2007-Dec2010 at 1:48 AM 0 Kata2 Pujangga
Labels: safena
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Twisted Ways Of Democracy By William Markiewicz
In dictatorships, of course, all written laws may be broken without much explanation. When Stalin, in an anti-Semitic outburst, wanted, against all Communist credo, to send the Jews to Siberia, he took an extra-easy anti-constitutional step, because who else cared besides the Jews?. Apparently Kaganovich, a Jewish member of the Politburo, asked in a trembling voice, "All the Jews?"
When democracy turns autocratic then it differs from dictatorship in that subtle pressures replace brutal oppression. The public that has gradually become accustomed to an autocratic government (remember McCarthyism?), develops such a thick skin that it simply stops reacting to the violation of the Constitution, especially when it hits foreign countries or a minority.
If, because of some ultrapowerful lobby for example, the democratic/autocratic government decides to take a step against a foreign weaker nation as now in Iraq, or hypothetically, against its own minority, let's say, against the Jews, it is possible that only Jews would protest and, like Kaganovich, not all of them. Solidarity is a capricious guest; note how many Serbs have betrayed Milosevic.
Marx said that history operates in cycles. (I consider it surprising that a materialist like Marx admits a cyclic pattern of fate, almost a cosmic and mystic conception). From this angle, our times are at the lowest ebb for democracy and, according to Marx, we may be unable to turn the tide.
Posted by DPA Dec 2007-Dec2010 at 12:32 AM 0 Kata2 Pujangga
Labels: PAD230
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
MemBer Of The Fl00r
seperti yg dijanjikan aku akn uploadkan gambaq2 bdk2 clas dpa3d ni.inilah muka2 students yg menceriakan suasana clas dpa3d. ni aimil..

ni x mamat ni pakai baju melayu??

ni lah dia member2 dlm clas dpa 3d..kami ada sorang g minah baru join clas kami nama zety aka sorry to say, dia pun nk blah dah dr uitm..dia nk pursuit mascom all the best to her..n dulu farahdiba join clas ni, pastu tukaq blk masuk clas A..well, shes does not what she'll be missing..
Posted by DPA Dec 2007-Dec2010 at 10:46 PM 1 Kata2 Pujangga
Labels: DPA Pics
Ilmu untuk dijaja kepada semua....
for all my dearest friends, if we have a lot of knowledge and know somethings better then anyone we should share it.don't sape la wei....korang janganla bajet2 sangat ye.ilmu yang ade sharela.klo ade soklan quiz or test yang korang dah tau share la jugak.jangan makan sorang2 sebab kalau kawan2 kite dah ilang tak seronot plak, tlg menolong amalan mulia...share la ye.hoho :->
Posted by DPA Dec 2007-Dec2010 at 9:51 AM 0 Kata2 Pujangga
Group Utk CTU 263
1)-Fatimah Dzuhra Bt. Kamarudin
- Nurul Fatin bt. Mohd Zulkafli
-Ezzati Akmal bt. Othman
2)- Adam Ar-Rashid Bin Mohamad Rasdi
-Azam Bin Zakaria
-Ahmad Aimil Amma Bin Kamarzaman
3)-Mohammad Aizat Bin Haruddin
-Muhd Khairul Amini Bin Nasir
-Safena Izfazura Bt Hj Ishak
4)-Kairol Zulhaidi Bin Mansor
-Mohammad Yusri B. Kamaruzaman
-Mohd Hafizi Bin Hanin
-Abdullah Bin Choneti
5)-Nur Syazwani bt Subri
-Siti Fatimah bt Yaacob
-NoorHazrin bt Abd Rauf
-Nor Hazwani bt Rosli
6)-Ahmad Sobri Bin Yaacob
-Mohd Akmal Ariff Bin Mohd Padzil
-Mohammad Nazreen Bin Noor Azahari
-Amirul Bin Mahayuddin
ni group assignment utk CTU ok..ustaz mintak nk 6 in group2 dia.FINAL!! xble nk tukaq2 dah..
peace in, rock out
Posted by DPA Dec 2007-Dec2010 at 8:55 AM 0 Kata2 Pujangga
Labels: CTU 263
Hari ni aku dah wat analyzed....
mengikut analisis aku......kelas akaun pada 14hb januari 2009,
Sir Asmat telah menggunakan perkataan 'OK' sebanyak 354 kali start kul 2.15pm-3.50pm....
ak actually hari ni langsung x focus apa yg dia ajar...juz proceed aku nye analisis smpai abis kalo korg x caye, next klas cuba korg count berapa kali Sir Asmat menggunakan perkataan 'Ok' dalam lecture......
ni btol2......xtipu punya...huahahaha
-Integra Red-
Posted by DPA Dec 2007-Dec2010 at 8:47 AM 0 Kata2 Pujangga
bantulah daku
kpd mmbe2ku yg pndai2 4 suma sbjct pad, hope lh tlg ajq la.....tnsen r sbjct yg kna bc2 dolphin biru ni lmh ckit...tlg eh...
Posted by DPA Dec 2007-Dec2010 at 2:55 AM 1 Kata2 Pujangga
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Group Untuk PAD204
Member- 1)Mohd Akmal Ariff Bin Mohd Padzil (2007111851)
2)Muhammad Khairul Amini Bin Nasir (2007111983)
3)Mohammad Nazreen Bin Noor Azahari (2007111807)
4)Mohammad Aizat Bin Haruddin (2007111959)
Member- 1)Safena Izfazura Bt Hj Ishak (2007142425)
2)Amirul Bin Mahayuddin (2007140677)
3)Ahmad Sobri Bin Yaacob (2007111803)
4)Mohd. Hafizi Bin Hanin (2007111893)
Member- 1)Mohammad Yusri Bin Kamaruzaman (2007111877)
2)NoorHazrin Bt Abd Rauf (2007146385)
3) Nor Hazwani Bt Rosli (2007146415)
Forth Group-An Islamic Perspective Of Administrative
Member-1)Adam Ar-Rashid Bin Mohamad Rasdi (2007111965)
2)Azam Bin Zakaria (2007111931)
3)Ahmad Aimil Amma Bin Kamarzaman (2007111873)
4)Kairol Zulhaidi Bin Mansor (2007111951)
Fifth Group-Is Bureaucratic Model Is Still Relevant In Modern Public Administration
Member-1)Fatimah Dzuhra Bt Khairuddin (2007111829)
2)Nurul Fatin Bt Mohd Zulkafli (2007111821)
3)ezzati Akmal Bt Othman (2007111885)
4)Nurul Izzati Bt Ahmad Shahuri (2007239136)
posted by,
Posted by DPA Dec 2007-Dec2010 at 7:26 PM 0 Kata2 Pujangga
Labels: PAD204
Welcome To Out Blog Site
ini Adam Ar-Rashid Bin Mohamad Rasdi,clas rep utk clas dpa 3d.ini adalah blog site yg dicipta khas utk tujuan akademik yg berkaitan dgn subject2 kami sepanjang menjadi student dlm diploma in public admin.utk suma clas mate dpa 3d, lawat2lah slalu blog site ni dan kalau ada apa2 info yg nak di post , just post sahaja n jgn lupa utk tulih nama anda dibawah post tersebut..kami yg ingin komen di blogsite ini tlg jaga adab dan tatasusila anda.harap maklum
Posted by DPA Dec 2007-Dec2010 at 7:17 PM 0 Kata2 Pujangga
Labels: Others